Today I tackled the kitchen. I spent a total of 4 hours and 45 minutes on getting about 85% of the kitchen organized and ready for daily maintance. I had limited space and only a few things to clutter control with. Baskets, buckets, plastic shoe boxes, all these items are great clutter control buddies. I love anything that can minimize the appearance of clutter!
Here are some examples of useful baskets, I used similar ones in my kitchen, they hold packed drinks such as kool-aid, hot cocoa, and other packages like gravy mixes, oatmeal, or popcorn bags.

Ramon Noodles are always in abundance in this house. To keep these together without taking much space we use plastic baskets.

I have a lot of different teas. Organizing this section was so much fun for me! I used to have to search for over 5 minutes every morning to find which tea I wanted that day. Now all I have to do is browse one simple basket or reach for one other bucket. I have over 6 types of teas and two items that cost me less then a dollar at the goodwill now keeps the organized and pretty on my tea counter. I have cabniet right above that holds my collection of tea cups and tea saucers. I do also drink coffee as well as my husband, a similar section is set up for our coffee section. Baskets, jars, and pretty bowels all can serve a decorative and useful purpose.
Here is a great link on how to organize your junk drawer and never have to search for those odd items again. When I went threw my drawer, 85% of it WAS junk. 60% got thrown away and the other 25% was put in a donate box (extra sunglasses, watches,wallets.)
Organize That Junk Drawer
Go through all of your appliances, some people have more of one thing, I had two sets of electric mixers, I put one in a donate box and kept the other. Go through your pots and pans and try to find their matching lids. If you have extra lids for cook ware, put these in the donate box.
Organizing Tub-A-Ware can be tricky, sometimes it seems easier to start with a new set, if you don't have much tub-a-ware to begin with, then this may not be a bad idea, if you have loads of it but just a lot of mismatch items, go through and see what has their matches, keep the ones that are saveable, donate the rest, THEN go buy what is needed.

Zip lock bags in the kitchen are the most useful tool. I suggest buying a large basket that will hold all of your different size variety of ziplock bags. I suggest getting the ones with the ziplock close so they are more easily useable, they require less to seal shut and if they are preserving freshness this ensures no air leaks. Baggies can hold anything from food, toys, crafts, hair accessories, I mean there is no end to what a ziplock bag can do.
Under sink storage is an absolute must for any kitchen. This small section should hold everything your kitchen needs for basic cleanliness. A small bucket or basket for extra sponges, dish soap, one all purpose cleaner, oven cleaner, and extra dish towels.
You should always have clean towels in the kitchen ready to dry a dish or your hands. Always have a sponge for dishes and another one for counters. The easiest ways to spread germs is to share sponges for both jobs.

Don't think you have to spend a fortune buying baskets and other containers to organize. Your local thrift stores and neighborhood yard sales are really great places to get very useful organizing materials. I was able to buy all the baskets and buckets and trays for my kitchen under $5.00!
Next Clutter Control Project
Next we will be tackeling my daughter's bedroom. The project will begin after November 30th. Mean time we will be completing smaller tasks, I will be organizing my desk and will post about last weeks Bathroom Clutter Control Project.
Have Clutter Control!
~Clutter Control Lady~
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